Home - Product - Agilawood Spa - Wash Cream Meeting Luxury Agilawood Spa

500ML  39.08 ¡ê
Fresh ingredients
Wash Cream Meeting Luxury Agilawood Spa
Quenches and nourishes skin
Agilawood essential oil is extracted and purified through distillation. It is capable of maintaining the body's internal balance, helping tissues regrow, promoting blood circulation, channel modulating, maintaining youth, relieving stress. Combined with our new formula, the highly concentrated moisturizing factors, moderated ingredients that quenches and nourishes skin.


Featured ingredient

A historical Agilawood with high medicinal value. Agilawood is aka ¡°diamond of the plants.¡± It is rare, precious and has become an indispensable ingredient among some of the well-known perfume series.

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